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Uploaded by Beckham Productions Old account on May 4, Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book.

Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Hi, Firstname Lastname. View Account. Sign Out. Creative Suite Director Suite.

Video Editing PowerDirector. View All Products. Volume Licensing. Becoming an Affiliate. Director Suite Complete Editing Studio. CyberLink Member Zone. Sign In. You may read it here. To continue using our services, you need to accept the updated Privacy Policy. I don't accept, log me out.

Download Free Video Editing Software. Free Download. Learn More. System Requirements Download Information. We were more impressed with the transition effects, in total: all the fades, page curls, slides and wipes that you could possibly need. PowerDirector 9 provides more ways to use them, too. You can now have pre-transition and post-transition effects, for instance transitions that occur at the very beginning or end of a clip. And a transition between two clips can now be one of two types: an overlap, where parts of the two clips play over each other while the transition takes place, or a cross, where one clip ends, the transition occurs, and the next clip begins.

A Particle Room uses even more configurable particle animation options to let you add animated snow, fire, fireworks and other effects to your movies. Elsewhere are capable, if slightly basic Titles options; an audio mixing room allows you to tweak audio balance and volume; the Chapter room can automatically create chapters for your DVD and Blu-ray discs; and the subtitle room provides an easy way to build subtitles into your video.

Not everyone has the time or inclination to spend an age messing around with a video editor, of course. Fortunately PowerDirector also provides simpler ways to create quality movies with the absolute minimum of effort. The Magic Movie Wizard, for instance, imports your selection of images and movies, and optionally adds an audio file as your soundtrack.

You get to choose a theme for the finished video, which defines the effects and graphics that will be applied. There are all the usual options — birthday, vacation, wedding, party and so on — and PowerDirector 9 extends these with new 3D templates.

And in a click or two the wizard will automatically produce a movie for you. You also get a Magic Music option which will generate a soundtrack for you, and we found this more interesting. You can choose one of these at a click, or create a new profile with your own choice of resolution, frame rate, bit rate and more.

New in PowerDirector 9 is the option to render your movie to a mobile device-friendly video format. There are profiles for smartphones, say, along with Apple, Sony or Microsoft devices, amongst others: just pick a profile, choose your target device and the program will create a suitable file for you.

Set preferences like the encoding quality, audio encoding format and so on, and one more click on the Burn button will set PowerDirector 9 to creating your disc. Essential if you want to work with High Definition video and export your video as a Blu-ray movie.



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